Tuesday 18 December 2012

O Christmas Tree

You don't have to load the kids up on sugar to enjoy a holiday treat!  The kids were super excited about this broccoli tree that I made for our son's pre-school Christmas party.  With cherry tomatoes for garland and yellow pepper star, it was a yummy healthy and fun snack.   On the side is dairy-free homemade ranch dressing, which I will post soon.

Monday 17 December 2012


Welcome to our new blog section just in time for 2013!!! 

For the first entry, I’d like to take the opportunity to let you know about some of the other changes (in addition to this blog) you will see on our website and in the clinic in the New Year.

This year we are making a New Years resolution to make our services and advise even more accessible to you! 

As the New Year unfolds, we at York Health Centre, will be gradually introducing the following:
1.     Adding content and videos (soon to come) to our website, to better allow us to get helpful, easy to understand and use, information to you. 
2.     Increasing the amount of written information available to you, at our office or by request, to aid you in explaining to your family members, friends, or other healthcare providers what type of treatment or help you are receiving at York Health Centre.
3.     We will begin to carry some of the products, at the office, that we often recommend or discuss with you, to make it easier for you find what you need to get you started or help you along your way.

We hope these small simple changes in what we offer you will make a big difference in the help you get from our clinic.

From our team at York Health Centre, we wish you a very Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year.  See you in 2013!